Title loss on succession ck2
Title loss on succession ck2

title loss on succession ck2

Title specific succession Ī title succession law can be assigned to individual titles besides the gender laws, these are all a form of elective succession. If the number of titles is uneven, the primary heir will be given the remainder. Like Partition, except the primary heir is first given half the titles in each step the rest gets divided among all junior heirs as usual. Prior to Partition, new titles, of the same tier as the primary, will be created if enough of their de jure territory is held. See Primogeniture if the ruler's branch is a dead end.Ĭonfederate partition.Titles prior to succession are taken into account as well.Junior heirs can and will only be vassalized if their rank is lesser than the primary heir.If an heir owns land within a title another heir stands to inherit, they may swap that title for one of equal rank.Duchy+ titles do not affect the number of counties one gets.If an eligible child dies but had eligible children of their own, their primary heir will take their place instead.The primary heir will not inherit the highest title the capital belongs to de jure if said title is equal in rank to the primary.The previous step repeats itself till all titles are handed out.Junior heirs are also given any lower title that's de jure theirs. Children who received titles in the previous step will be excluded this does not apply to the primary heir. All titles, one tier below the previous, are distributed likewise.All titles, of the same tier as the primary, are distributed in the order they're displayed, with priority given to the oldest child with the fewest titles of that rank.The oldest child is given the primary title along with the capital and any higher title it belongs to de jure.The realm succession law determines who will inherit each title without its own succession law. Note that except for devoted, the progeny of disinherited characters is disqualified as well. Theocratic characters cannot inherit either. The following traits disinherit as well: bastard founder, devoted, disinherited, eunuch, order member. Bastards cannot inherit unless legitimized. Note that with male preference, all daughters are ineligible as long as any sons exist vice versa for female preference. The gender law determines which children are eligible. This will be your primary heir as well, unless the primary title will be inherited by a character of another dynasty. The player heir is the character that you will continue playing as when your current ruler dies. The person who inherits the ruler's primary title is called the primary heir. An heir is any character who stands to inherit a title.

Title loss on succession ck2